I was inspired by a YouTube video that nailed the '90s nostalgia of chat rooms and blogs, the days when we were more carefree about what we shared with each other and had an easier time connecting with people. So I thought I'd write something in this blog that's been neglected for seven years. Using a tiny keyboard on my tiny phone screen, because firing up my laptop would feel too much like going back to work. Not a pleasant thought.
Today I'm in Atlanta, at a friend's house, waiting for my family to awaken as I often do. They're all night owls. I enjoy my quiet mornings, though. I like the author John le Carre as much as I did seven years ago. I'm currently reading The Mission Song.
Since this was intended to be my creative blog, I suppose I'll lament again about the things I might do if only my career didn't keep me so busy. Whenever I get inspired to write, my inner voice reminds me that I'll never finish anything because I'll only get interrupted by a ton of work and then lose the inspiration. As you can tell, I'm feeling very down on my job, and have for two years, since I switched employers and ended up with a far heavier workload. It's very depressing for me.
So I try to live vicariously through creators I enjoy, with the tiny bit of time I can carve out for them. I enjoy novels, comics, YouTube, and podcasts on the regular. Creators who have the time I won't have until far in the future, to hone their skills and create things I wish I could emulate.
Alright, back to my book. Enjoy your day.