Tuesday, November 22, 2011

New Music Clip!

I created 15 seconds of new music this week! I did the beats and synth yesterday and the guitars this morning. Learning and recording the guitar parts wore me out, and this is all I have to show for it, but it's something. There are two guitar parts and a bass line here (the bass is my guitar pitched down an octave).

I still don't know how to count this thing, which is a little embarrassing since I composed it, but it's not the first time. If anyone remembers a song I created back in 2004 called "Can I Love Again?"--I still don't know how to count that thing! I need a music theorist or a big fan of math rock. Or maybe a drummer. [EDIT: Ok, now I'm thinking maybe this new one is 4/4, 2/4, 6/4, repeat. Which is why I said 12/4 yesterday.]

This will come somewhere in the middle of a song. The "lyrics" are just for a demo.

I let Tara hear this soon after it was finished, just to get her impression. She hasn't been reading this blog, and I haven't been telling her what I'm doing, so she had no idea. After laughing at my silly nonlyrics, her first impression was that it feels like the '80s because of the synth. I told her I was thinking of removing it, and she said I shouldn't. She liked that it combines an '80s synth with a '90s dance rhythm and emo shouting from the '00s. It's supposed to be hardcore-punk shouting, but it definitely doesn't come off that way.

I'm not sure where this will go from here, but just getting something respectable on the speakers should propel and motivate me to continue. Feels good!

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