Friday, November 4, 2011

Short Action Film in OKC

No time for a full-length film today, but I just watched a two-minute action film shot in (and on) an office building in Oklahoma City three years ago. Not at all professional, but pretty fun. It's called Knockout, and it was made by teenagers, probably Christians since they used a song with obvious Christian lyrics by Skillet ("Invincible").

When I lived in OKC, I wrote a script for short action film, myself. It was a spy story centered around a highway car chase from the airport to my own office. I couldn't afford any kind of camera at the time, and it's too bad, because I even did the casting and chose the cars I wanted to use (my own and a friend's). Couldn't even borrow a camera, though. I think I lost the script years ago.

Anyway, here's Knockout. I'm interested in which building they used for this.

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